Monday, September 20, 2010

Personal Learning Network

And my journey into discovering technology continues this week with the creation of my Personal Learning Network. Everything is a little overwhelming right now and I'm not used to being so connected, but I think I'm really going to like using all of the new tools I've discovered. I am following my group members' blogs: I find this really useful because the members in my group are very tech savvy and I learn a lot just by reading and following their blogs. I am also following 2 people on Twitter. One is a professor here at BYU, Sirpa Grierson. She is very connected with technology and has great resources and ideas. The am also following Jim Burke, the creator of English Companion Ning and another well of English teaching tools and knowledge.

To my surprise, I find myself enjoying Twitter. I like how easy, simple, and fast it is. When I have limited time, Twitter will be a great place to go for quick ideas at a glance.

Google Reader is also awesome--how have I never used this before?! I can see this as being the most useful to me in all aspects of my life, not just for teaching but for everything! The possibilities are endless and I'm loving it. Really great stuff.
On Google Reader I am subscribed to my group member's blogs, The Edublogger, My Dog Ate My Lesson Plans, and Weblogg-ed.


  1. Cool! I'm following Dr. Grierson now as well. Your twitter account looks very bright and happy

  2. I feel the same way about being overwhelmed...after this assignment I didn't want to look at a computer. But somehow it's easy to always get sucked back in. And you are definitely tech savvy. :)

  3. Cara,
    I really like the look of your blog! I'm glad you're finding the class helpful. The only thing to add to your post for full points would be short description of five of the sources you found for Google Reader.
