Friday, September 24, 2010


Well, I think I have converted to the world of blogging. Lately it seems that I just can't escape it, and it's forced me to really learn how to use it. In fact, I've finally caved in and have started a blog about me and Clarence--I never thought I'd make a married life blog. A blog is one technological tool that I can really see myself using in the classroom. I would love to have a class blog where students post assignments and other things. Or, students could also make their own personal blog and be required to post once a week, like how we use it in IP&T. I could really see having students use a blog to keep a writing journal. I think students would be more willing and excited to write if it was online. I know personally that I write much easier when it's on a computer. Of course, there will be challenges like what if not all students have a computer (school library!), or what if parents don't want their kids on the internet. However, I think if I go about it in the right way then using blogs as teaching tools could really create a classroom community as well as a personal space for each student. The possibilities are endless! I've been finding that's true for a lot of things lately.

1 comment:

  1. Cara! I wanted to see your married life blog, but I think your link is broked :( I like blogs too, but I don't know if I'd use them in the classroom. I think I would use Facebook before a blog, just because I think students are more familiar with that.
