Friday, September 24, 2010


Well, I think I have converted to the world of blogging. Lately it seems that I just can't escape it, and it's forced me to really learn how to use it. In fact, I've finally caved in and have started a blog about me and Clarence--I never thought I'd make a married life blog. A blog is one technological tool that I can really see myself using in the classroom. I would love to have a class blog where students post assignments and other things. Or, students could also make their own personal blog and be required to post once a week, like how we use it in IP&T. I could really see having students use a blog to keep a writing journal. I think students would be more willing and excited to write if it was online. I know personally that I write much easier when it's on a computer. Of course, there will be challenges like what if not all students have a computer (school library!), or what if parents don't want their kids on the internet. However, I think if I go about it in the right way then using blogs as teaching tools could really create a classroom community as well as a personal space for each student. The possibilities are endless! I've been finding that's true for a lot of things lately.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Personal Learning Network

And my journey into discovering technology continues this week with the creation of my Personal Learning Network. Everything is a little overwhelming right now and I'm not used to being so connected, but I think I'm really going to like using all of the new tools I've discovered. I am following my group members' blogs: I find this really useful because the members in my group are very tech savvy and I learn a lot just by reading and following their blogs. I am also following 2 people on Twitter. One is a professor here at BYU, Sirpa Grierson. She is very connected with technology and has great resources and ideas. The am also following Jim Burke, the creator of English Companion Ning and another well of English teaching tools and knowledge.

To my surprise, I find myself enjoying Twitter. I like how easy, simple, and fast it is. When I have limited time, Twitter will be a great place to go for quick ideas at a glance.

Google Reader is also awesome--how have I never used this before?! I can see this as being the most useful to me in all aspects of my life, not just for teaching but for everything! The possibilities are endless and I'm loving it. Really great stuff.
On Google Reader I am subscribed to my group member's blogs, The Edublogger, My Dog Ate My Lesson Plans, and Weblogg-ed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blogging Newbie

I have finally joined the world of blogging. Although many of my friends and family are long-time bloggers, I was always a bit reluctant to start my own blog. Mainly, I was a little intimidated and not sure how to even begin making one. So I'm happy IPT forced me to make a blog, because now I have no more reasons to fear! My experience with technology has always kind of been "deal with it as it comes." I've never been one to actively seek out new technology on my own; I usually get into something as it becomes more popular, accessible, and necessary to know. I feel really out of touch with technology sometimes. My goal is to be a more active participant in the technology world and to not be afraid of trying something new. First thing under my belt: this blog!