Monday, November 15, 2010

Internet Safety Assignment

I watched the PBS video and read the article "Fighting Internet Filth."

1. What were the most important things I learned from the readings?

After watching the video, I was completely freaked out and determined to not even have a computer in our house. K this is crazy and I realize that this isn't possible. The reason I felt this way is because the things the kids they were doing on the internet were unhealthy and scary. The overall message I gained from the video is that we live in a different world than our parents, but it doesn't have to be two separate worlds. The video mentioned this generation gap, which is the reason for all of the unhealthy and unsafe practices kids engage in. Parents may not even know what is possible on the internet or may not even imagine that their child would do something harmful, and so they're not able to teach their children about these dangers. I think as time goes on then the next more technologically literate generation will be more prepared to teach their kids. The overall message I gained from the video is that we all need to be more responsible on the internet. Parents need to be responsible for their kids and know what's going on, but kids need to also be taught how to be responsible for themselves.

The article goes hand in hand with this video I think, because it is an outline of several things parents can teach their children about internet safety. It aims to make parents aware of the dangers so that they can protect their kids. Again, be responsible. Be knowledgeable and don't let your lack of knowledge be an excuse to disengage and not be accountable for what your kids are doing on the internet.

2. How will what I have read influence my actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

The video presented a variety of parents--those parents who were too paranoid and over-protective, and those who didn't have a clue. I want to be somewhere in the middle. I want to protect and teach youth and children but I have to allow them their own agency. The best thing I can do is continue to educate myself about the internet and its possibilites and ways to keep kids and myself safe. I have to realize that even though the internet is public, social networking sites are a weird realm because they are highly personal and can be private. Kids view their facebook page as their private space, and any intrusion in that is seen as a personal invasion. A facebook profile could be like some kids' diaries. I have to respect this and show them that they can still have a personal space without putting themselves in danger.

3. How can I use what I learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

I have a brother who is a high school senior; he is very into gaming and the internet. I consider him to be responsible and smart, but I could talk with him more in a non-confrontational way about the internet and his thoughts on how to be safe and what is dangerous. I could also discuss with my parents what they know and I could direct them to helpful websites and articles that could offer them more information if needed.

4. Am I aware of the benefits and dangers children face when online with cyber bullying and online predators? Do I know how to prevent cyber bullying?

The most tragic story in the video was about the young boy who committed suicide because of cyber bullying. One of the things his parents mentioned was that they should have never put his own computer in his room. I think this is key for all internet safety--internet access should always be public. The way to prevent cyber bullying is to teach kids what to do if it occurs. In the video there were examples of kids saying to stop it, block it, and then tell it. Kids need to always feel safe and comfortable and parents and teachers should be constant supports for them whenever they need it.

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